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Hér er hægt að lesa meira um dagskrárliði

*Fræðslan og Spilakvöldin eru óregluleg en eru auglýst á messenger-spjalli hópsins og notendahóp Grófarinnar á Facebook.
English descriptions:
English Talk Circle and Peer support for immigrants on Mondays and Game evenings on Tuesdays are currently our only groups where English is spoken. However, it may be possible to get language-support in other groups you might want to participate in.
You may also benefit from one-on-one peer support or consultations with any of our staff members or volunteers.
Peer support for immigrants: Immigrants mutually share their experience seeking solutions and form a microcommunity of peers. Languages we can support include icelandic, english sweedish, polish, german and danish.
English Talk Circle is a self-help group where people can share what‘s on their minds in an atmosphere of understanding and confidentiality. The members of the group are international and therefore the main language used in meetings is English. The meetings are organized via a Facebook messenger group. For more information, contact Richard (
Game evenings: Do you enjoy boardgames, or even the occational video game?
If yes, then this is the group for you! We use Grófin‘s large game collection as well as members‘ own games. Game evenings are usually on Tuesdays – every other week on average – and they are organized via our Facebook groupchat. These evenings are intended for the users of Grófin, but new people are welcome too!
For more information, contact Richard ( for English or Lilja ( for Icelandic inquiries or chat group invitations.
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